Shasta Genealogical Society Logo
Shasta Genealogical Society

About Us

Welcome to the Official Website of the Shasta Genealogical Society
The Shasta Genealogical Society (SGS) was founded in 1968 by local genealogists with a passion for discovering their ancestry.  We believe a coordinated effort to provide educational opportunities to genealogical research will result in a significant benefit to all.
We help beginners get started and guide them in their work.  We welcome experienced genealogists and encourage them to share their knowledge and discoveries with others.  We learn from and teach each other in our monthly meetings.  Anyone with an interest in tracing their “roots” will find a home with us.
Our Mission is to further research in genealogy and family history and to assist all who desire to learn how to do genealogical research.  Our members have come from all parts of the United States with a variety of geographical roots and occupations.  Our interest in family history brings us together as we share our knowledge.  Our research skills grow and so do our family trees.  Please explore our webpages.  Look at our events to see what’s happening in our Society, and where you can find genealogy classes, workshops and seminars.
SGS has a collection of over 2,000 books, family histories, genealogy periodicals and lineage society records that are housed in the Genealogy Section in the Redding Library.  The Library provides two computers dedicated to genealogical research and Library Edition.  SGS volunteers are available to assist you on Tuesdays 10am-Noon, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-3pm.
SGS supports the local Redding FamilySearch Center through SGS member volunteers. Our research Secretary will fulfill research requests from local resources for out-of-area individuals.  SGS is supportive of special interest groups pertaining to genealogy (i.e. DNA special interest group).
Membership is on hold at this time.

Operating Year: January - December 2024

President: Mary Harper
Vice President: Jane Witesman
Corresponding Secretary: Lynn Harper
Editor: Lena Harmon
Historian: Vacant
Recording Secretary: Jane Witesman
Research Secretary Publication: Peggy Clapper
Research Secretary/Assistant: Jane Witesman
Treasurer: Renee Fleming
Appointed Positions
Librarian: Mary Harper
SGS Webmaster: Lena Harmon